




類型: 歐美綜藝
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  1"South Island"July 18, 2011  Bear Grylls must fling himself out of a plane and parachute to safety to reach this remote area. Crossing the country's highest mountain range and starting a fire in a waterlogged forest are just some of the unpredictable things he faces in this terrain.  2"Fire And Ice"July 25, 2011  Bear Grylls is dropped on an ice cap covering an active volcano. In blizzard conditions he struggles to make headway, and the barren land offers little food. Can he reach civilization when faced with swollen river crossings and ever present flash floods?  3"Red Rock Country"    August 12, 2011  Bear Grylls is in red rock country - southern Utah. Armed only with a lasso, he descends a rock pinnacle and gets trapped in a narrow gorge. Crossing an arid wilderness, he's left hanging 100 ft above a ravine. And Bear's craziest airplane stunt ever!  4"Land of The Maori"August 19, 2011  Over 100 people drown each year in New Zealand, and Bear must cross a raging river on a tree trunk to head toward civilization. On his journey to safety he runs out of water, is forced to climb up active volcanic ranges and scale down a waterfall.  5"Working the Wild"November 29, 2011  Bear Grylls takes the viewer behind the scenes to meet the crew that follows his every step. Whether he's jumping from helicopters or eating the unimaginable, the camera is never far away from the action. Now the crew gets to tell their side of the story.


  • 幸存者第四十四季 6.0 幸存者第四十四季
    2023 歐美綜藝
  • 幸存者第四十一季 2.0 幸存者第四十一季
    2021 歐美綜藝
    簡介:  該季本應在2020年9月首映,但由于新冠病毒因素,世界范圍的旅行限制,斐濟對非公民關閉了邊境,最終推遲在2021年春季,制作被擱置了整整一年。本季于2021年9月22日在美國哥倫比亞廣播公司(CBS)和加拿大環球電視臺(Global)首映。與往季不同,通常39天的賽制被縮短到26天。
  • 幸存者:王者決戰第四十季 3.0 幸存者:王者決戰第四十季
    2020 歐美綜藝
    簡介:  2020年,老牌真人秀《幸存者》迎來第40季的播出。CBS特邀20位前冠軍參加本季比賽以慶祝這一盛事。除了參賽陣容空前強大之外,本季的冠軍獎金也將翻倍至200萬美元。
  • 幸存者:偶像之島第三十九季 6.0 幸存者:偶像之島第三十九季
    2019 歐美綜藝
    簡介:  幸存者第39季《偶像之島》將在斐濟瑪瑪努卡群島拍攝,Sandra和Rob以導師的身份回歸,不參與冠軍爭奪。整個賽季,選手將通過各種方式被送到偶像之島,在那里他們有機會從前冠軍手里獲取建議和優勢。
  • 幸存者:毀滅邊緣第三十八季 2.0 幸存者:毀滅邊緣第三十八季
    2019 歐美綜藝
    簡介:  Castaways hover on the 'Edge of Extinction' in an all-new twist, and four returning players attempt to bond with their new tribemates. Also, castaways tackle a giant puzzle in their first immunity challenge of the season.
  • 幸存者:卡加延第二十八季 1.0 幸存者:卡加延第二十八季
    2014 歐美綜藝
    簡介:  幸存者:卡拉延 第二十八季節目的戲劇沖突性主要通過兩種方式得以實現的,一是人與自然環境的沖突;一是人與人的沖突。這兩種沖突不是憑空產生的,而是人為設置的,是建立在游戲規則的強迫性和巨額金錢誘惑性的前提基礎之上的。  為強化人與自然環境的沖突,節目將播出的地點選在荒無人煙的小島上,在這里沒有豐美的水果,更不允許幸存者們自帶食物,他們只能像當年魯賓遜那樣自己砍柴、生火、搭房、造筏,過著吃昆蟲老鼠、被蟲咬、受蛇蝎驚嚇的生活。為了生存,參加者不得不用盡各種招數,人與自然的對立達到了高潮。由生存危機帶來的沖突為節目的刺激奠定了基礎。但更刺激的還是體現在人與人之間的對立上。


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  • 主站蜘蛛池模板: 怀仁县| 百色市| 读书| 泰兴市| 万安县| 信宜市| 家居| 翁源县| 澳门| 茌平县| 开原市| 绩溪县| 江永县| 阿克苏市| 邳州市| 延吉市| 沾化县| 上高县| 晋中市| 丰宁| 泽普县| 顺昌县| 临夏市| 拉萨市| 绥江县| 青冈县| 临澧县| 盘山县| 海林市| 凤冈县| 兰溪市| 天长市| 依安县| 明星| 宝兴县| 自治县| 达州市| 长垣县| 湘西| 凌海市| 玉山县|