熱心耿直的體育老師申野(喬杉 飾),剛把自己的全部身家借給了老同學穆小春(何歡 飾),就被一位不速之客阿北(張本煜 飾)找上門,阿北直言小春竟攜巨款玩起了人間蒸發,錯愕的申野主動決定和阿北共同找人的故事。申野與阿北這對“臨時特工”兄弟,看似“天衣無縫”的配合,卻把尋人之路生生變成啼笑皆非的麻煩之旅。而老同學小春消失的背后,令人意外的反轉和“驚喜”逐漸浮出水面……
- 5.0 破浪男女
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- 2.0 丈夫、父親、殺手:AlyssaPladl的故事
2022 劇情簡介:Anamika, whose mother is Indian and father is English, returns to care for her mother who is suffering from dementia. But the mother-daughter relationship is not an easy one. When her mother was younger she was a promising singer, but a series of unexpected situations, including a move to the United Kingdom, an unplanned pregnancy, and raising a daughter alone, have made her em...
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2023 劇情簡介:After the sudden and tragic loss of his wife, Ben (Grant Rosenmeyer) turns to a mysterious self-help book that will train him to learn how to fly. Or at least he hopes, as he turns his life upside down under the advisement of an eccentric spiritual guide (Paul Raci) who may very well be a con artist. Fending off his worried sister and an ambitious detective who is convinced he ...